Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Juniors will be taking the ACT test this morning in room 211. No one is allowed on 2nd floor during testing. There will be no bells during the testing time. Please watch the clocks for dismissal times. Students should report to the following rooms this morning: Mrs. Gorter’s math classes will be held in room 305, Mrs. Antony’s classes will be in room 309, Mrs. Peterson and Mr. Wieneke’s classes will be in the gyms, and Mr. Lutgen’s classes will be in room 109 until testing is done.
9th Graders will be taking the ACT Pre test this morning in Mrs. Kallhoff’s room. Students are asked to be quiet when passing in the hallway.
Parent Teacher conferences for the high school have been rescheduled for Tuesday, March 18 from 4:00-7:00 pm.
Prom will be held on Saturday, April 5th. Sign up forms are available in the high school office. Payment for Prom and Post Prom can be made at the same time, but will need to be separate checks. Payment for Prom should be made out to Canby High School and payment for Post Prom should be made out to Canby Post Prom. Cost is $35 if you are bringing an out-of-town guest or a sophomore to prom (there is no cost for junior or seniors to attend Prom). Cost for Post Prom is $35 for each person. Payment must be made when you turn in your form to the office. The deadline to sign up is March 14th.
The Prom picture sign-up sheet is available on the counter in the office for those who want professional photos from Kenzie Photography.
Looking for a summer job? Pick up a Summer Rec application in the high school office. Anyone age 14+ can apply!
Anyone who would like to order golf clothing can use the following link by March17th: There are also non-golf clothing items on there.
YMC 4-H is offering an intermediate sewing class on April 1st, 2nd and 3rd after school each day. Participants will be making a quilted tote. The class is free, but participants must have some prior sewing experience. Registration forms are available in the office and must be returned by Monday, March 24. Class size is limited.
On the lunch menu today: Hot Dog or Crispy Chicken Salad
Monday, March 10, 2025
Juniors who will be taking the ACT test tomorrow should report to room 211 by 8:00 am on Tuesday. Bring 2 number 2 pencils with you. Do not bring your phone or your Chromebook.
The Danceline banquet will be held today at 6:00 in the cafeteria.
Practice will start today for Track and Softball.
There will be no Advisory time this week but there is a grade check on Wednesday.
Prom will be held on Saturday, April 5th. Sign up forms are available in the high school office. Payment for Prom and Post Prom can be made at the same time, but will need to be separate checks. Payment for Prom should be made out to Canby High School and payment for Post Prom should be made out to Canby Post Prom. Cost is $35 if you are bringing an out-of-town guest or a sophomore to prom (there is no cost for junior or seniors to attend Prom). Cost for Post Prom is $35 for each person. Payment must be made when you turn in your form to the office. The deadline to sign up is March 14th.
The Prom picture sign-up sheet is available on the counter in the office for those who want professional photos from Kenzie Photography.
Looking for a summer job? Pick up a Summer Rec application in the high school office. Anyone age 14+ can apply!
Anyone who would like to order golf clothing can use the following link by March17th: There are also non-golf clothing items on there.
YMC 4-H is offering an intermediate sewing class on April 1st, 2nd and 3rd after school each day. Participants will be making a quilted tote. The class is free, but participants must have some prior sewing experience. Registration forms are available in the office and must be returned by Monday, March 24. Class size is limited.
On the lunch menu today: Chicken Nuggets or Turkey BLT Wrap
Friday, March 7, 2025
Juniors who will be taking the ACT test on Tuesday will have a pre-fill information meeting during Period 3 today. Students not taking the ACT test do not need to attend.
Prom will be held on Saturday, April 5th. Sign up forms are now available in the high school office. Payment for Prom and Post Prom can be made at the same time, but will need to be separate checks. Payment for Prom should be made out to Canby High School and payment for Post Prom should be made out to Canby Post Prom. Cost is $35 if you are bringing an out-of-town guest or a sophomore to prom (there is no cost for junior or seniors to attend Prom). Cost for Post Prom is $35 for each person. Payment must be made when you turn in your form to the office. The deadline to sign up is March 14th.
The Prom picture sign-up sheet is available on the counter in the office for those who want professional photos from Kenzie Photography.
Attention seniors: the Blue & Gold and Local Comprehensive Scholarship applications are due to the high school office by the end of the day today.
Looking for a summer job? Pick up a Summer Rec application in the high school office. Anyone age 14+ can apply!
Anyone who would like to order golf clothing can use the following link by March17th: There are also non-golf clothing items on there.
Any 7-12th grader interested in joining the Trapshooting team should sign up in the high school office by the end of the day today. There will be a meeting for all participants on Tuesday, March 18.
All baseball players in grades 7-12 planning to play baseball this spring should sign up on Mr. Kockelman's door, room 314, by the end of the day today.
YMC 4-H is offering an intermediate sewing class on April 1st, 2nd and 3rd after school each day. Participants will be making a quilted tote. The class is free, but participants must have some prior sewing experience. Registration forms are available in the office and must be returned by Monday, March 24. Class size is limited.
Any 9-11th grader interested in being a cheerleader next year should sign up in the high school office by the end of the day today.
There will be a dance on Saturday in the old gym. It will be open for junior high from 7:00-9:00, and senior high from 9:30-11:30. Admission is $5.00. If you are bringing an out-of-town guest, you must complete a form and return it to the office. Out of Town Guest Forms are available in the office.
On the lunch menu today: Pancakes & Scrambled Eggs or Turkey Sub
Thursday, March 5, 2025
Today is recycling day. Please have your containers outside your door for pick up Period 1.
Knowledge Bowl will be at regional competition today at Granite Falls.
There will be a meeting after school today for all wrestlers in the weight room.
Prom will be held on Saturday, April 5th. Sign up forms are now available in the high school office. Payment for Prom and Post Prom can be made at the same time, but will need to be separate checks. Payment for Prom should be made out to Canby High School and payment for Post Prom should be made out to Canby Post Prom. Cost is $35 if you are bringing an out-of-town guest or a sophomore to prom (there is no cost for junior or seniors to attend Prom). Cost for Post Prom is $35 for each person. Payment must be made when you turn in your form to the office. The deadline to sign up is March 14th.
The Prom picture sign-up sheet is available on the counter in the office for those who want professional photos from Kenzie Photography.
Attention seniors: the Blue & Gold and Local Comprehensive Scholarship applications are due to the high school office by TOMORROW. Stop in the office if you have any questions.
Looking for a summer job? Pick up a Summer Rec application in the high school office. Anyone age 14+ can apply!
FFA members can pick up their t-shirts in the ag room.
Students interested in joining the track team should join the Track Google Classroom. You can get the code from Mrs. Hemish or Mr. Lalim.
Any 7-12th grader interested in joining the Golf team should sign up in the high school office by the end of the day today. Anyone who would like to order golf clothing can use the following link by March17th: There are also non-golf clothing items on there.
Any 7-12th grader interested in joining the Trapshooting team should sign up in the high school office by Friday, March 7th. There will be a meeting for all participants on Tuesday, March 18.
All baseball players in grades 7-12 planning to play baseball this spring should sign up on Mr. Kockelman's door, room 314, by March 7th.
YMC 4-H is offering an intermediate sewing class on April 1st, 2nd and 3rd after school each day. Participants will be making a quilted tote. The class is free, but participants must have some prior sewing experience. Registration forms are available in the office and must be returned by Monday, March 24. Class size is limited.
Any 9-11th grader interested in being a cheerleader next year should sign up in the high school office by the end of the day on Thursday.
There will be a dance on Saturday, March 8th in the old gym. It will be open for junior high from 7:00-9:00, and senior high from 9:30-11:30. Admission is $5.00. If you are bringing an out-of-town guest, you must complete a form and return it to the office by Thursday. Out of Town Guest Forms are available in the office.
There will be an FCA meeting on Friday at 7:40 in the Media Center.
On the lunch menu today: Philly Steak Sandwich or Chicken Caesar Salad